By following this two-step strategy for Wordle, you can increase your chances of winning every game.

Wordle is now integral to my daily routine. I like to do the Wordle puzzle before I go to sleep because I am more of a night person. To improve my odds, I utilize a list of the most commonly used letters in English. E and A are common letters used frequently, while J and Q are rarely seen in words. If you are familiar with Wordle, there is no need to explain it. In 2022, The New York Times purchased a puzzle created by Josh Wardle, who came up with the concept of Wordle. In the online game, you are given six attempts to guess a randomly chosen five-letter word. The correct letters that you guess will appear in various colors based on whether they are in the correct position within the word. It’s engaging and enjoyable.. I stuck with the same beginning words for a while, and they frequently proved successful for me. I used the word “ADIEU” frequently to incorporate many vowels, before switching to “STORY” to include the remaining vowels and important consonants.



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