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About Wordle TodayWordle Today is a word guessing game. Each day there is a new mystery five-letter word. You get six attempts to guess the word. Each time you guess, you will receive clues to know if your chosen letters are in the mystery word, and whether they are in the correct place. How to Play Wordle TodayGoal of the game: Guess a five-letter word in 6 tries. To start the game, type any five-letter word then press Enter. After you enter a word, the color of the tiles will change to show which of your chosen letters are in the final word.
You win the game when you guess the hidden word and all letters turn green. Letters can be used more than once. Wordle tips and tricks
Play variants: Worldle, Lewdle, Semantle, Quordle, Actorle...Guessing games of various kind inspired by the original Wordle. We list them in order of popularity. Geography lovers could start with Worldle or Globle. History lovers should try Yeardle. Movie lovers: try Actorle or Moviedle. For Sports lovers there is Weddle or Poetl. Music lovers, try Taylordle or BTS Heardle. Many people love the multiwordles like Duotrigordle Read the latest newsSee the latest headlines about Wordle from around the world at Wordle News Site |